Wednesday, March 1

Last final exam

I took my integrated computer applications final exam last Thursday night. From taking these on-line exams for so long, I've developed a few expectations from having the same experience with each exam. The time limit is always three and a half hours. My average for finishing any exam is about three hours and fifteen minutes. And yes, I'm usually sweating it out when I know I am getting close to the end. So this exam took me 50 minutes from start to finish. I thought I missed something so I checked the web site carefully to make sure there were no links to another page of the exam. Since I didn't find one, I reviewed the total value of the exam (270 points) and I went back and counted the value of the questions I answered. There were 18 questions at 10 points each (180 points) and 3 essay questions at 30 points each (90 points). OK we got 270 points. I guess I'm done. So I submitted the exam with a completion time of 51 minutes and 27 seconds. I've been living on the assumption that I totally hosed the thing since I finished it so fast. Today I checked the gradebook and I got an A! I did get a few points off but amazingly, I did well. I guess this proves I have chosen the right path as a computer geek. Maybe there's some sort of meaning in this since this was my very last final exam. I have one more class but I've checked the syllabus and it's an 8-week project culminating in one final report so it won't have an exam at the end.

Just a side note....the hanger is not on the floor anymore.

