Thursday, March 2

It's my birthday

Today is my birthday and I plan on spending it quietly. BJ took me out for lunch, Bailee and Jen both called me at work to wish me a happy birthday. My boss is always good to me, she is one of the nicest people I know. And tonight Jeff is taking me out for a nice little dinner early enough to get home so that I can relax before getting ready for work in the morning. It's exactly the way I want this birthday to go by. No big celebration, no big event. I think a birthday can be sort of like new years' day where you make your resolutions and reflect on past accomplishments and disappointments. Maybe that's why I feel so down this year. I don't feel like I have many accomplishments to take credit for over the past year. But this next year will be different since I will be graduating in 8 weeks. One of the biggest accomplishments of my life and long overdue. I am looking forward to thinking about what happens next. A bigger better job, a marathon run, some financial success. I know it's all up to me. I just have to make a new commitment to my next big accomplishment...or maybe it will be some small accomplishments. I just don't and won't be able to get anything into focus until graduation is over.

