Friday, March 3

Body check

I think it's time to do a head-to-toe evaluation. I let things get out of control and spending this week without a car only made things worse. I've realized how much I am into routine. Since I've spent the week at the mercy of others' schedules my routine has been so messed up. I like going to the gym before work. It's always been the best way to start the day, a sort of endorphin rush followed by euphoric feelings of satisfaction from getting the workout done. I feel like I deserve the cup of coffee that always follows.

Since I missed most of my gym time this week, I’ve struggled with lethargy and loathing. I certainly could have worked out at home but I was too busy feeling sorry for myself. Not to mention, the many planned events after work each day that filled up most of my extra time. So back to my head-to-toe evaluation.

I need to have some moles removed. I have one that’s making me nervous.
I need to make an appointment for my six-month mammogram. I'm a few weeks overdue.
My heels are so dry that the skin is cracked open. I need to soak my feet and cover them with lotion every single day.
Speaking of feet, I need a pedicure. I like my toes pretty and polished.
I need to go tanning. It’s not that I want to be really tan, that’s kind of gross. I just want to get my skin to produce more vitamin D to stop the winter itchies.
I need to lose extra weight I’ve gained from deviating from my diet. It’s time to pay more attention to vegetables and less attention to snacks.
My hands are so dry that I have cuts all over them from the skin cracking. I need to take better care of them.
And as for a routine, I like it, I need it, I have to get control of it.
School starts on Sunday; I will get the lectures done on Sundays. And I will be back in the gym first thing Monday morning car or no car.

It’s comforting to realize how much more manageable things seem when I write them down.

