Tuesday, March 7

The hate-mongers

Today I saw a disturbing story on CNN about a group of people from Kansas who go to the funerals of our soldiers to protest. The disturbing part is the hatred they spew about how God hates homosexuals and the soldiers are fighting for a country that allows the homosexuals to take over. Thank goodness for the Patriot Freedom Riders - a motorcycle group that blocks the funeral procession's view of these awful people. I just can't get over the idea that this "preacher" who leads this group of hate-mongers believes that God hates anybody. God doesn't hate people. I'm certain he will even forgive this guy and his followers for all the disgusting things that they are doing. I'm grateful to live in a state that has a law that prohibits protests at funerals so those people can grieve in peace. But if we didn't, I would join the motorcycle group and be part of the group blocking these awful people from being seen.

