Tuesday, March 21

Homework Part II

This morning I logged in to my online class discussion to see these two morons posting totally wrong answers then congratulating themselves on their 'great' work. The assignment was to map a flow chart (which I mentioned yesterday-and I did post my assignment in the afternoon but I was not first, I was third) based on a detailed description of the phone answering system of a specific company. The document had 13 steps detailed in the process. Although there were many steps, the document was written very clearly so it was easy to map but at the same time somewhat putzy. Part of the assignment was to determine the minimum and maximum waiting times on the phone. My answers were minimum 13 minutes, maximum 40.5 minutes. These two idiots made up a flow chart that wasn't in the assignment. One just copied a website and attached the link! How stupid can you be??

I'll tell you how stupid! Last week one of these two idiots was on my deliverable team. The assignment was to find marketing information (demographics) for online gaming. So this chick posts her answer and it says that the largest group of consumers is the 18-year old males who don't work or are students. When I did my research, I used the Nielsen ratings and other reputable sources I discovered (and it really surprised me) that the largest group of gamers is 40-ish women who make between $50 and $150K per year. A far cry from young poor boys. So I asked her where she got her information because mine was so off. The next thing you know, the entire class gets an email from the instructor about being sensitive in statements we make to other classmates. I'm thinking the professor is talking about me. I'm also thinking you got a problem with me then tell me otherwise it's business as usual, baby.

It seems this chick likes to make things up. Why research anything when you can just pretend you know what you're doing? It amazes me that schools will give people like this degrees because they certainly shouldn't. To top it off, we have to do peer evaluations. It makes me cringe to think they are evaluating me when they can't even follow the simplest directions. I hate this class. If the lesson is to get along with others no matter how stupid they are, I don't want to learn anymore. 5 weeks and 5 days to go.

