Tuesday, March 14

Men vs. Women

I don't know why I think this way but I have these expectations of Jeff that some might consider unreasonable. He went out to The Packing House for dinner and took the kids. I stayed at work later than usual so I had no intention of joining them. After dinner they stopped at Kopp's for some custard. When he got home I asked him if he got me anything. Bailee handed me a bag with some raspberry custard in it.

The look on my face must have said it, "no dinner, huh?"

Jeff responded to my look, "I should have called you and asked if you wanted a burger. I feel bad."

I did my best to smile when I said, "Just remember this next time I come home with something to eat and there's none for you. " I was trying to joke about it but deep down he knew I was serious.

You see, I would never come home without something for him. Whether he wanted it or not, I would always pick up something. I think I was disappointed because he doesn't think of me like that. I know it's unreasonable because men think differently than women but it still gets to me. I should be content that he was considerate enough to bring home the custard but I bet that was Bailee's idea.

