Tuesday, January 6

About Us

I'm 51 years old, married for over 30 years and I have three great kids. Our oldest daughter works in clothing design as a technical designer, the middle daughter works for a graphics-printing shop, and the baby boy graduated from college with a degree in civil engineering. He is now working at his first full-time job in Winter Haven, California which makes us empty nesters. My middle daughter had a beautiful baby boy last November so yes, I am a grandma. His sweet little life ended when he died from SIDS which changed our lives forever. Our daughter is having another baby which is terrifying but we are glad she is living her life. Nothing will ever be the same.

We live in Oak Creek, in a great house where the back yard is adjacent to a park as well as the creek. The wildlife that comes by makes for great viewing pleasure. We are committed to feeding the birds and ducks - something that once you start, you have to keep doing through the winter since they become dependent on it. My housecat is continuously teased by the creatures that run through the yard. He's commonly found bouncing off the patio door. We had a swimming pool, which was removed and left a large hole in the yard. We will now build a pond and memorial garden to fill it in. We have a hot tub and a fire pit in the back yard so we could easily vacation at home. We also have a very large organic vegetable garden that I love to work. Cooking and canning my harvest is extremely rewarding.

My husband is currently taking classes to earn his bachelor's degree. He is a cardiac patient, a label that will stick for his lifetime since his heart attack and bypass surgery. He spends his time woodworking and bicycling. He is also a WIAA official, he refs basketball and umps softball and baseball. We spend summers on his Harley traveling the country as much as we can. I have my motorcycle license but I'm most comfortable enjoying the scenery on the back of Jeff's so I don't have my own bike.

I have my bachelor of science degree in Business Information Systems and Business Administration. I work for an IT company doing quality assurance work. I also have my Webmaster certification from UW-M. Occasionally I write for Fox's Community Pages, I manage my church's website, and love spending my spare time making web pages and blog writing.

I like to sew and dabble in woodworking, and I am currently taking quilting classes. I will be selling crafts and quilted items on my new site,
http://www.sunshinesews.etsy.com/ and I do a few craft fairs throughout the year. I also love to run and go to the gym daily. Staying healthy is extremely important to me, especially since my husband's heart attack.

We are trying to find 0ur way since our world was turned upside down by the death of our grandson,Stephen. We've had so many changes in our lives in recent years it is hard to stay focused on what comes next so we take things one day at a time.

