Sunday, February 12

The Sunday paper

Sunday mornings are wonderful. I can take my time. I can enjoy the scent of coffee while it's brewing, read the newspaper for two hours and think about nothing else.

I always start with the front page. The main section of the paper takes me the most time to get through - all that tragedy in the world. After that I move on to the Metro section to get more tragedy only locally. I do enjoy reading Eugene Kane. Good or bad, he's one of the few writers that can get an emotional response out of me and I count on him for that. I usually get through the serious sections that are left, Business, Real Estate, and sometimes I even let my guard down and read the Editorial section. Normally I don't care about others opinions, only mine so why bother. Then it's on to the trivial - Sports.

The fun sections follow, Cue and Lifestyle. I usually save the comics for last. By then the coffee's almost gone anyway so it's time to get the day going.

The cartoon Mutts is the greatest. But my all-time favorite will always be Peanuts. Since the characters died with their creator I'm trying to fill the void. It will never be the same but I can relate to Mooch (the cat) and Earl (the dog). Mooch says many words with a "sh" sound (mostly Yesh). My sister does that "sh" thing. So it has a place in my heart.

