Saturday, February 25

No school this week

I have no school for the next week and I'm not sure what to do with my time. I could list at least 5 fun projects and a few chores that I've put off but somehow sitting here dwelling about all of them seems to be the thing to do. I know I just need to focus and pick one so maybe if I list them it will make things seem clearer....

  • Put the binding on the quilt.
  • Finish the wall hanging.
  • Make beaded bracelets.
  • Finish my new web page.
  • Work on a jigsaw puzzle.
  • Straighten up in the basement.
  • Clean my office.
  • Empty the clothes baskets.

It's not helping. Of course vegging the rest of the night with a Corona and a fire will be good for the soul. Regroup and start again tomorrow.

