- Put the binding on the quilt.
- Finish the wall hanging.
- Make beaded bracelets.
- Finish my new web page.
- Work on a jigsaw puzzle.
- Straighten up in the basement.
- Clean my office.
- Empty the clothes baskets.
It's not helping. Of course vegging the rest of the night with a Corona and a fire will be good for the soul. Regroup and start again tomorrow.
Although I don't see as much television as the average person, I do have instances where I've had sightings. Last night was one of them. I was watching an old repeat of That 70's Show. The episode was where Fez marries Laurie to stay in America and Red has a heart attack. I had an immediate revelation...this is it! They jumped the shark.
This certainly created a new way for me to be entertained by television especially since I find it (tv) so incredibly uninteresting and intellectually insulting for the most part.
First thing Monday morning, I'm on the treadmill in the fitness center - which has an air temperature of approximately 55! - going through all the things I need to do during the day. It occurs to me that I should ask Dawn where to take the Camry. Her husband works for Gordie Boucher and they both know the south side pretty well. The next thing that pops into my head is that I have an appointment to give blood at the Bradley Center in 45 minutes! Shit! So I get off the treadmill after only 25 minutes, quickly shower which was OK since the temp is 55, get dressed in my work clothes and hustle over to the Bradley Center. The outside temperature must have been hovering around 0 and although the rest of me was warm about half-way through my 7-block walk, I could not feel my fingers. Plus my hair was frozen. I didn’t have enough time to thoroughly dry it and make it to my appointment on time. In fact, I was indeed 5 minutes late. I checked in and she asked me to sign my name and I couldn’t since I didn’t feel my fingers. At least I left there feeling good like I usually do when completing a good deed. Plus I got two free Bucks tickets.
As soon as I got back to work I headed for Dawn’s office. I took one look at her red-eyed sad face and said “What’s the matter!?” She handed me the obituary of a co-worker. Lisa Luedtke, age 38, died Saturday in a snowmobile accident. This was a good friend of Dawn’s and she was devastated. I hated to ask and I told her I didn’t want to bother her but she said she would love the distraction. So I told her about the car, she called her husband and he told us to head over to a place in St. Francis. So I spent the morning making phone calls to get the car picked up – thank goodness for AAA.
In the meantime, the pipes burst at work creating a lack of water supply to the 8th, 9th, and 10th floors of our office building. Effective immediately, the fitness center is shut down. My co-workers heard my ‘noooooooooo!’ from a few offices away. No car. No gym. No relief from stress.
So Tuesday comes and goes with no car and no fitness center. I’m feeling really edgy as I sense the car repair bill going up by the day and my stress level following right along. To make things worse, the furnace starts acting up Tuesday night.
So now it’s Wednesday morning, I still don’t know what the car will cost, but the fitness center is open again. So things are looking up. But I am thinking about the funeral this afternoon. I did not know her well. Children are left behind. She got engaged a day before she died, a fiancé is left behind. At the age of 38. Suddenly things aren’t so bad. They say you have to let things go that you cannot change, this is a hard one to let go of.

Then there's the resolutionist. A resolutionist is one of those people who show up at the gym during January and eventually (usually within the first two weeks of the year) they disappear along with their New Year's resolution plans. This resolutionist was hanging on for dear life. Here it was, February and she had gone from three times a week to twice a week and is now down to once a week. She should disappear for good soon. Normally I don't care if they are there or not taking up space, even with their inevitable fate. But this one showed up with her bouffant hair and fancy sweats like she was going to a party not to the gym. Now I know that sounds really judgmental but when I tried to describe her to some of my co-workers I discovered that they already had a nickname for her - disco queen! How appropriate and how sweet the validation was for me.
So disco queen would walk on the treadmill and she insists on turning the television to a televangelist! T.D. Jakes is the name of the show. The assault to my brain with this manipulative crap was hard to take. But I really tried to be open-minded and less judgmental. So I started taking mental notes of the subject matter of the show since that first January day. Who knows, I thought, maybe they give good advice. Maybe they teach you important bible lessons. Maybe they speak in a way that motivates one to become a better person, a kinder, gentler Christian. Spirituality, inspiration, devotion to a higher power, I'm game.
The first episode I saw back in January was about those same new year's resolutions that we all make. The woman speaker was telling the audience that one should be careful to budget their money and be responsible. A good lesson I thought. And then the sermon turned to making certain that when you budget that money you make sure T.D. Jakes is part of that budget. Be responsible. The next episode I saw was about the many, many viewers that watched the television show. They were in the millions, and congratulations to all those devoted followers for their dedication. But keep in mind that it costs lots of money to put on a cable show like this one so you better make sure you send in your money. I was thinking to myself, yeah and I bet that Armani suit you're wearing wasn't cheap either. Or that gold throne that you're sitting on. I stopped paying attention to the show for a while after that, I was feeling the bitterness swell in my throat whenever I saw that familiar face on the tv screen so it was best I stopped listening. But over the course of the month, I discovered that every episode had one thing in common, you better send us money. I never heard a bible lesson or an example of any good works that they do.
At least I can honestly judge this show by my own personal experience now. When I never actually saw the shows and called these people heathens and thieves I really didn't know what I was taking about, now I know for certain what kind of heathens and thieves they really are.

This is my Toby. He is sweet, playful, curious, moody, and wonderful to have around. He is loving, likes to cuddle and give me kisses. He purrs whenever I touch him, he gives attitude when he wants, and he will befriend you the instant he meets you. I let him think he is in charge and he lets me think I am.
Today he's not happy, even though the sun is shining and he can nap in it, he loves to look out the patio door and watch the birds. But today the temperature is 16 below. You can feel the chill next to the glass so I closed the blinds. He's been weaving in and out of them while giving me a look of dissatisfaction.
I always start with the front page. The main section of the paper takes me the most time to get through - all that tragedy in the world. After that I move on to the Metro section to get more tragedy only locally. I do enjoy reading Eugene Kane. Good or bad, he's one of the few writers that can get an emotional response out of me and I count on him for that. I usually get through the serious sections that are left, Business, Real Estate, and sometimes I even let my guard down and read the Editorial section. Normally I don't care about others opinions, only mine so why bother. Then it's on to the trivial - Sports.
The fun sections follow, Cue and Lifestyle. I usually save the comics for last. By then the coffee's almost gone anyway so it's time to get the day going.

The cartoon Mutts is the greatest. But my all-time favorite will always be Peanuts. Since the characters died with their creator I'm trying to fill the void. It will never be the same but I can relate to Mooch (the cat) and Earl (the dog). Mooch says many words with a "sh" sound (mostly Yesh). My sister does that "sh" thing. So it has a place in my heart.
All I wanted to do was update my playlist. So I did what I normally do, I connected the USB port from the iPod to my computer. I got a message when the computer found the new hardware that said 'F:\iPod\iControl\iTunes has errors. Run checkdisk utility'. So after going through that process, I tried again with the same bad results. I checked the Apple website support and their suggestion was to upgrade the iPod software and the iTunes software so they are in synch. The iTunes software was already at the most current version, so all I had to do was upgrade the iPod software. This was making sense. So I downloaded the new version, connected my iPod and then I got the error 'formatting failure . disk write error'. So now the thing is really hosed. Back at the Apple support website, I searched for more options. The only suggestion left was to restore the iPod back to the original settings where I would lose everything I had stored. I was OK with this, all I would have to do is re-download all my music which could be done overnight and it would be ready in the morning. Only problem was that I got the error 'firmware update failure' and now there's nothing on the iPod but the image of an exclamation point and a folder with the www.apple .com/support/ipod. Now I'm really screwed, the operating system is gone.
When I mentioned my dilemma to my techy co-workers and friends the only suggestion they could come up with was "The Nano is really cheap now." After some contemplation and going all day without my little device, I was seriously considering the idea. That's when I realized it's time to step away from my pride as a techy guru and make the phone call to the Apple store to see what my options are.