Sunday, March 29

The daily struggle

The weekend was weird. Everyone was thinking of us. Between email and phone calls, everyone wants to check up on us to see how we're doing. Although it is sweet and thoughtful, it is emotionally draining every time we answer one of these calls. There's this fine line between telling the truth and telling everyone what they want to hear. The thing is if we tell them the truth, that everything just sucks we risk the connection - maybe they won't call again and we certainly don't want to push people away. On the other hand, if we tell them what they want to hear, it's pretty unbearable to say we're doing OK when we're not. The only good we get out of it is that sense of making everyone else feel better. You can hear the feelings of relief in their voices, they are glad they called. Of course, obviously we answered the latter. The heavy feelings of sadness that blankets us now seems even worse.

