Tuesday, February 10

The daily struggle

Today the weather was unusual. It was 60 degrees. It felt like it was reallly spring. Although reality will kick in and remind us that it is still February. But today the smells and the sights were like it was truly spring. All I could think of was my poor baby boy and how he would never know how wonderful the smell of spring is. How he would never get to feel the excitement of the first sounds of people outside enjoying the outdoors. The antsy feel of wanting to be out there as well, to see the ground without snow, to see the trickles of it melting, to hear the birds chirping and feel the change of the season. No matter how temporary this day is, my sweet baby grandson will never know.

Jeff wants to plan to visit BJ. He's not certain if we should meet him in Tempe on the weekend when his girlfriend is out there, San Diego the week before where he is meeting his friends, or pick a different week altogether. I cannot even comprehend planning anything.

I got the Compassionate Friends newsletter today. It reminded me that I will attend my first meeting next week. That really scares me.

