Monday, February 9

The daily struggle

Nothing will ever be the same and the realization of that is so numbing. Today I was thinking of stupid things people have said. I have learned a long time ago that even saying the wrong thing is better than no acknowledgement at all. That doesn't mean I will ever forget some of the bad things. I wonder when I will ever stop crying, I'm pretty sure the answer is never.


Unknown said...

A dedicated blog hopper/stalker here. I've been following your blog for quite awhile, almost a year I think. We have so much in common that it's kind of scary. My first grandbaby was born Dec. 9th. I haven't gotten to hold her yet, they live 1200 miles away and it's winter and all that. But I would be comatose with grief if anything happened to her. You have described the emotions so painfully accurately, I feel like I have gone through it with you. I just want you to know that total strangers feel your pain and you are in my thoughts daily. Please let your daughter know that we are mourning with her and hoping that all of you will eventually find some peace. Good luck.

Another mother/grandmother
