Saturday, June 3

Killer or murderer-you decide

Jeff loves to feed the birds. We have corn for the ducks, niger seed for the finches, and regular bird seed for the rest of the general bird population. He religiously keeps the feeders full for them. This year we even had a bird family living in one of the bird houses he built years ago. Watching them flutter about the backyard is soothing. We follow the seasonal duck ritual as the males and females pair off in late winter/early spring. Then there's just the males chowing down the corn, a sure sign the babies are soon to come since the mamas are most likely off sitting on their eggs. Before we know it, the females are back with the little ones in tow. Mother Nature provides better entertainment than anything on television.

While we were on vacation Toby caught a mouse in the house. BJ removed the mouse by taking it out to the field where it could live happily ever after, or at least until he got back into the house which would be taking a chance. Toby usually toys with the mice he finds for a little while then eventually kills them. This one got a reprieve. I'm guessing BJ caught up with Toby before he had a chance to kill it. So we proudly call him our little mouse killer for keeping the house free of the little rodents.

Toby loves to be outside. He spends his days staring out the windows with hopes of getting out into the grass. We try to oblige him as often as we can. Today was no exception and after being gone for a week, I missed him as much as he missed us so I wanted him near me so I took him outside. He's gotten used to the idea that he has to wear a harness outside so I can keep him somewhat tethered. After my last kitty got hit by a car, I am bound and determined not to let that happen to this one. He gets a long leash so he has a 12-foot diameter to work with and that seems to be just enough most of the time.

Today we tied the end of the leash to the deck which lets him stretch out to the outdoor fireplace. He likes to sit under it and watch the birds in the feeder. As the sun approached the backyard I chose to move him over so he could be shaded by the lilac bushes. After all, he is a bundle of fur and it's a warm and sunny day. So I tied the end of his leash to the bottom of the bird feeder and he rested under the lilac bush just as I had intended. As soon as I turned away I heard the strange thrashing sound. And I knew before I even turned back to look. He got a bird. There he was, joyfully holding it in his mouth with that look of success and pride. I could smell the testosterone in the air. Doing exactly what Mother Nature had trained him to do, he held his prey proudly in his mouth.

Jeff was not happy. I felt so stupid. How could I do something so dumb as tether the cat to the feeder. It's like going fishing in a fish tank. And now I worried that the birds would not come back after that carnage. Even though he didn't say anything, I'm certain Jeff was mad at me and he should be. I was thinking about keeping the cat out of the sun without any regard to the birds. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I will kick myself over this for a long time.

And poor Toby went from mouse killer to bird murderer.

