Helfaer Park is a Milwaukee landmark. It's on the hallowed ground of the old Milwaukee County Stadium and it overlooks the new Miller Park that replaced it. The view is grand. And home plate is the original that was in County Stadium. All I could think of was how Charlie Moore stood behind that plate and caught for the Brewers, Rollie Fingers threw fastballs over that plate, Robin Yount got hits there, and Gorman Thomas hit home runs from there. Yes, it's true, I was awestruck. And there was Jeff, brushing off the plate between innings. This was so cool.

The game is in play and South Milwaukee is leading right away in the first inning. Greendale eventually catches up and then takes the lead. It doesn't last though, South Milwaukee gets a few more runs in the last inning of the game. Greendale comes up to bat, with two runners on base, their star player does not come through. The game ends in an upset with South Milwaukee winning.
As we headed out to the parking lot after the game, a fan from the Greendale team yells, "Go back to umping JV. You guys suck!" It's always the umpire's fault. After we all get a chuckle I asked Jeff, "So how was it brushing off the plate where the Brewers played so long ago." He said, "Wow, I never thought about that. I was wondering why such a nice park had such a crappy home plate." Silly man. Didn't even know or think about that, which was probably better really. Otherwise it could have been a distraction for him and since he had such a great game, I hate to think of anything ruining it.
It's been quite a while since I watched Jeff ump a game. I forgot how good he is at it. And I'd forgotten how fun it was to watch a good softball game. Not to mention the people-watching in the stands. All those lousy opinions from people who don't know the rules makes good entertainment. You would think they'd learn something from watching so many games. Not that they matter. What mattered last night was the integrity of the umpires and the competition on the diamond.
It was a beautiful evening in a magnificent park and something that I will remember for a very long time.
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