Tuesday, April 25

Are You More... Meme

Are you more...

01) Lawyer or accountant?
Lawyer - I hate math and I work in a Corporate Accounting Department so they can vouch for my lack of accountantness.
02) Dentist or family doctor?
Doctor - I am totally into health.
03) Chiropractor or massage therapist?
Massage therapist - I have great hands.
04) Engineer or architect?
Architect - I couldn't tell you how something works but I certainly can decide what it should look like.
05) Sports announcer or news meteorologist?
News meteorologist - I can lie and make things up as well as the experts do.
06) Garbage collector or sewage system inspector?
Garbage collector - Nothing like working in the "fresh" air all day long.
07) Plumber or electrician?
Plumber - electricity scares me (see answer #4) And I have better butt cleavage.
08) Lead hand/foreman or supervisor/manager?

Supervisor/Manager - I love to boss people around.
09) Astronomer or astrologist?
Astronomer - I like the science of stars.
10) Advice column writer or editorial column writer?
Editorial - I don't care what anyone else thinks.

