We like to spend Black Friday in Milwaukee's third ward. There are no big mobs of crazy shoppers, no getting up in the middle of the night to get the deals, just a nice, leisurely walk through the downtown shops where they offer cookies, cakes and even mimosas to customers while they shop. This year we started our venture with a bloody mary at the Wicked Hop. We went through many awesome shops where we found deals on ornaments, kitchen wares, accessories, and other little trinkets. We ended our trip with a stop at Milwaukee Cupcake where we got these.
I took this photo because this year was very different. Jeff got up before 5 and headed out. I didn't know what he was up to but when he got home, he handed me a Canon Rebel EOS. Wow, what a surprise! He didn't want to wait until Christmas to give it to me, he preferred that I had some time to figure it out before the big Christmas holiday. So this is my first time trying it out.
I took this photo because this year was very different. Jeff got up before 5 and headed out. I didn't know what he was up to but when he got home, he handed me a Canon Rebel EOS. Wow, what a surprise! He didn't want to wait until Christmas to give it to me, he preferred that I had some time to figure it out before the big Christmas holiday. So this is my first time trying it out.
I scheduled the spinal injection for as soon as possible. Waiting three weeks was difficult. I was nervous about the whole thing but I wanted to feel better. We got to the hospital and checked in. I was surprised when I didn't even need a hospital gown. I just laid on a table that has an x-ray machine over it and the doctor injected by back with some local anesthesia and threaded her needle into my spine as she watched the image from the x-ray machine. It was done from start to finish in less than 10 minutes. I sat in an exam room afterwards for 30 minutes to ensure there were no complication and then I was ready to go.
It was lunch time so we went over to Sobelman's and had a Bloody Mary and a burger. It felt good to do something normal after the stress of the unknown from this morning. We went home and I relaxed for the rest of the day. In the morning I could already tell the numbness was going away. I could now feel the top of my foot and only two of my toes were numb instead of all of them. By the following week, I felt numbness free.
Too bad it didn't last. The one thing the doctor did explain is that it doesn't always work the first time. It can take up to three injections to work. It lasted about two and a half weeks so I called immediately to schedule another one. I worried about getting on the schedule and sure enough, I have to wait until November 9. This time I was much more prepared, no fear, no worry, just ready to get it done. Luckily it did work this time. No more going back for a while. It's too bad the running season is over.
It was lunch time so we went over to Sobelman's and had a Bloody Mary and a burger. It felt good to do something normal after the stress of the unknown from this morning. We went home and I relaxed for the rest of the day. In the morning I could already tell the numbness was going away. I could now feel the top of my foot and only two of my toes were numb instead of all of them. By the following week, I felt numbness free.
Too bad it didn't last. The one thing the doctor did explain is that it doesn't always work the first time. It can take up to three injections to work. It lasted about two and a half weeks so I called immediately to schedule another one. I worried about getting on the schedule and sure enough, I have to wait until November 9. This time I was much more prepared, no fear, no worry, just ready to get it done. Luckily it did work this time. No more going back for a while. It's too bad the running season is over.
BJ had an extra ticket to the Packer game in San Diego. And on a whim, I took him up on the offer to use it. I booked a flight and found us a room for the weekend. He had to work in SD the day I flew in so it worked out really well. He picked me up from the airport after his workday was done.
It was raining when I got there but the temperature was nicer than home. As I sat in the airport, it was incredible to see flight after flight full of people wearing the Packer green and gold. So many fans. BJ made plans with his co-workers to head to the Gaslamp district for the evening. We stopped at a really good restaurant called Lou and Mickey's for a nice dinner then headed over to Whiskey Girl where the place was hopping.
Saturday morning we went for a drive and stopped at a roadside bazaar where I did some shopping. The view of the ocean was incredible and the weather was perfect, high 60s and sunny. We drove the coast for a long time. Since we had no real plans I talked BJ into stopping at a Harley dealer where I bought myself a souvenir shirt. Then we did the most amazing thing, we went to Quilt in a Day. Yes, he took me to a quilt shop! And not just any quilt shop, Eleanor Burns' shop! I was in heaven. BJ was incredibly gracious about the whole thing and I think he even got a little interested when he noticed that her television studio was in the room next to the store.
After that, we drove back to the hotel all the while in view of the Pacific Ocean. What a great city. We got to the hotel in Oceanside in time to watch some college football and hang out in the local bar which was also on the water. The views were fantastic no matter where we were.
Sunday was the best day ever. Perfect weather and a parking lot filled with Packer fans. Qualcomm was impressive but not pretty, not like Lambeau at all. This place was all cement and little character, where Lambeau was all history.
It was raining when I got there but the temperature was nicer than home. As I sat in the airport, it was incredible to see flight after flight full of people wearing the Packer green and gold. So many fans. BJ made plans with his co-workers to head to the Gaslamp district for the evening. We stopped at a really good restaurant called Lou and Mickey's for a nice dinner then headed over to Whiskey Girl where the place was hopping.
Saturday morning we went for a drive and stopped at a roadside bazaar where I did some shopping. The view of the ocean was incredible and the weather was perfect, high 60s and sunny. We drove the coast for a long time. Since we had no real plans I talked BJ into stopping at a Harley dealer where I bought myself a souvenir shirt. Then we did the most amazing thing, we went to Quilt in a Day. Yes, he took me to a quilt shop! And not just any quilt shop, Eleanor Burns' shop! I was in heaven. BJ was incredibly gracious about the whole thing and I think he even got a little interested when he noticed that her television studio was in the room next to the store.
After that, we drove back to the hotel all the while in view of the Pacific Ocean. What a great city. We got to the hotel in Oceanside in time to watch some college football and hang out in the local bar which was also on the water. The views were fantastic no matter where we were.
Sunday was the best day ever. Perfect weather and a parking lot filled with Packer fans. Qualcomm was impressive but not pretty, not like Lambeau at all. This place was all cement and little character, where Lambeau was all history.
I went to see the spinal specialist on September 20th. She was everything I liked in a doctor. She talked to me like I had half a brain and answered my very pointed questions. She did say exactly what my primary doctor said, that considering the extent of the arthritis in my back, I could have injured it doing anything. She also could hardly believe that I had no pain or symptoms before the injury. I explained to her that I like to run every day and that my doctor told me I might have to give it up. The artiritis wasn't going to go away. I confessed that I was still running every day but only a mile a day and that I really wanted to get back up to three miles a day. I never asked permission to start running again, I just did it when I thought I could. I asked her if it was OK, she said that since I had no arthritis pain before the injury, there was no reason not to expect to go back to running and to how I was before the injury. Yay!
After the exam, the spinal specialist said that there are a few options: live with it, get a cortisone injection in my spine which would ease the swelling in the nerve surrounding the bulging disc, or have spinal surgery to remove the bulging disc. She also asked me what I thought about the chiropractic visits and I explained my mixed emotions - how they made my pain bearable then disappear and I was grateful for that but did nothing for the numbness in my foot even though they acted like they could fix it. She told me not to go back. She said she felt that chiropractors do have a place in medicine, but with the severe spondylosis in my back, every adjustment was making room for more growth of the arthritis. I totally agreed.
Jeff came with me to the visit. He asked me if I wanted to take some time to think about the options. I asked the doctor, based on her experience with other cases just like mine, what would she suggest. She said the cortisone injection was the best route, although it doesn't last forever, it can bring relief for a very long time. I told her to set it up. Jeff was surprised that I didn't want to think about it more. I told them both that I researched it since I got the news from my primary doc and based on what I read, this seemed like the best idea. I just needed a professional to look at my situation and agree. And I really wanted to make the numbness go away. It was painful to have a sheet over my toes when I slept at night. I hope it works.
After the exam, the spinal specialist said that there are a few options: live with it, get a cortisone injection in my spine which would ease the swelling in the nerve surrounding the bulging disc, or have spinal surgery to remove the bulging disc. She also asked me what I thought about the chiropractic visits and I explained my mixed emotions - how they made my pain bearable then disappear and I was grateful for that but did nothing for the numbness in my foot even though they acted like they could fix it. She told me not to go back. She said she felt that chiropractors do have a place in medicine, but with the severe spondylosis in my back, every adjustment was making room for more growth of the arthritis. I totally agreed.
Jeff came with me to the visit. He asked me if I wanted to take some time to think about the options. I asked the doctor, based on her experience with other cases just like mine, what would she suggest. She said the cortisone injection was the best route, although it doesn't last forever, it can bring relief for a very long time. I told her to set it up. Jeff was surprised that I didn't want to think about it more. I told them both that I researched it since I got the news from my primary doc and based on what I read, this seemed like the best idea. I just needed a professional to look at my situation and agree. And I really wanted to make the numbness go away. It was painful to have a sheet over my toes when I slept at night. I hope it works.
The nice thing about having a primary care doctor who know me well is that I can call for things and get them without a special visit. Once I placed the call to request an MRI, my doctor asked me a few questions about what was going on, then she authorized it and wrote up the paperwork. The MRI was scheduled for September 9 and I was a little freaked out about all the stories I heard about the enclosed space and staying still for so long and how terribly noisy it was in the tube. I didn't care, my foot was numb and I was worried.
When I got to the MRI unit at St. Mary's Hospital, the staff was so nice. They explained everything well about staying as still as possible. They gave me headphones to wear which would cut down on the noise and they would pump music in through them (I even had a choice of what I wanted to listen to). The headphones also served as a vehicle for the staff to communicate to me. It still was a little freaky to see the headphones and the cords all wrapped in thick plastic tubing because of the pull of the magnet in the MRI unit. The staff then handed me a panic button (again, wrapped in thick plastic) if I couldn't handle the enclosure. They told me it would take an hour and we were ready to start.
I laid there afraid to even breathe in our out. After I realized that it wasn't that noisy (yes, there was this constant hammering noise but it was so muffled it wasn't that loud) and the music was starting to sound soothing, I took a deep breath. They didn't freak out or reprimand me for breathing so I really relaxed after that. As the table I was on started to gently and slowly move into the machine, I closed my eyes. It didn't seem terribly long until the technician spoke through the headphones to let me know I was halfway done. I opened my eyes to see that I was all the way in the machine. This was really no big deal.
After I finished I got dressed and went home. Surprisingly an hour and a half later, my doctor was calling with the results and they were not good. She didn't want me to go all weekend without knowing. I had artiritis in my back and apparently it has been there for many years. It was severe and wide spread. She explained that back in June, I could have lifted something simple, like a gallon of milk and my back could have popped. That's how back the artiritis was. Anything could set it off. She also said that I have a bulging disc between two of my vertebrae which was pinching the nerve in my back making my foot numb. She gave me the name of a spine specialist and said I should call right away.
When I got to the MRI unit at St. Mary's Hospital, the staff was so nice. They explained everything well about staying as still as possible. They gave me headphones to wear which would cut down on the noise and they would pump music in through them (I even had a choice of what I wanted to listen to). The headphones also served as a vehicle for the staff to communicate to me. It still was a little freaky to see the headphones and the cords all wrapped in thick plastic tubing because of the pull of the magnet in the MRI unit. The staff then handed me a panic button (again, wrapped in thick plastic) if I couldn't handle the enclosure. They told me it would take an hour and we were ready to start.
I laid there afraid to even breathe in our out. After I realized that it wasn't that noisy (yes, there was this constant hammering noise but it was so muffled it wasn't that loud) and the music was starting to sound soothing, I took a deep breath. They didn't freak out or reprimand me for breathing so I really relaxed after that. As the table I was on started to gently and slowly move into the machine, I closed my eyes. It didn't seem terribly long until the technician spoke through the headphones to let me know I was halfway done. I opened my eyes to see that I was all the way in the machine. This was really no big deal.
After I finished I got dressed and went home. Surprisingly an hour and a half later, my doctor was calling with the results and they were not good. She didn't want me to go all weekend without knowing. I had artiritis in my back and apparently it has been there for many years. It was severe and wide spread. She explained that back in June, I could have lifted something simple, like a gallon of milk and my back could have popped. That's how back the artiritis was. Anything could set it off. She also said that I have a bulging disc between two of my vertebrae which was pinching the nerve in my back making my foot numb. She gave me the name of a spine specialist and said I should call right away.
We took Chloe to the Air Show today. She really has a thing for the airplanes. They were so loud we had to put earplugs in her ears so she wouldn't freak out by the sound of them buzzing by so low. It was a nice hot day so we were lucky to be in the GE tent right on the lake. It was also the first time Chloe went to the beach. She wasn't crazy for the feel of the sand on her feet. Hopefully she will change her mind someday.
I am currently on chiropractor visit number 14. It is starting to feel frustrating that my foot is still numb. I can attest that my back doesn't hurt and I don't need to walk with a cane any more but I still cannot feel my toes on my left foot. If I stretch my leg it cramps up terribly. It just isn't getting any better. The physical therapists are young and unengaging and the visits are starting to feel like a waste of time. To top off my frustration, as I am waiting in the chiropractor's office, I am asked to stop by the billing office.
I have been paying the balance of my visits through my flex benefit account so they are getting paid so I don't know what this could be about. As it turns out, I was only eligible for 10 visits a year through my insurance, and they were apologetic that they did not notify me of that 4 visits ago. So they wanted to offer me a package deal, 10 visits for $40 each, paid in advance. I said I would get back to them on the deal. Because they were so late in notifying me, they did also offer me $45 per visit for today and the last 3 times I was there if I didn't want the package deal.
Internally, I was already frustrated with my progess and thinking about how I was starting to feel like I was getting sucked in - this was the validation I needed. I would not be coming back.
I got home and called my doctor to schedule that MRI. It was time.
I have been paying the balance of my visits through my flex benefit account so they are getting paid so I don't know what this could be about. As it turns out, I was only eligible for 10 visits a year through my insurance, and they were apologetic that they did not notify me of that 4 visits ago. So they wanted to offer me a package deal, 10 visits for $40 each, paid in advance. I said I would get back to them on the deal. Because they were so late in notifying me, they did also offer me $45 per visit for today and the last 3 times I was there if I didn't want the package deal.
Internally, I was already frustrated with my progess and thinking about how I was starting to feel like I was getting sucked in - this was the validation I needed. I would not be coming back.
I got home and called my doctor to schedule that MRI. It was time.
I had a follow up appointment with my primary practice doctor and she was concerned about my numb foot. She suggested the possibility of an MRI to check the extent of my injury if I did not get any better. She said she was glad I was making progress with the chiropractor but reminded me that if I needed more, just give her a call. I told her my plan was to give the chiro 3 months, and if it still wasn't better I would get back to her.
In the meantime, the chiropractor started me on physical therapy to strengthen my back. It wasn't going to fix what happened in the past but it would prevent me from having another injury in the future. So I spent half an hour getting adjustments and spine stimulation and half an hour with the physical therapists on the gym side of the office. I realized how smart this chiro clinic was, they get you in the door, offer you the chiro services to make you better, send you to the physical therapists to continue your progress then they would offer you a gym membership to keep you coming back. Very smart businessman.
In the meantime, the chiropractor started me on physical therapy to strengthen my back. It wasn't going to fix what happened in the past but it would prevent me from having another injury in the future. So I spent half an hour getting adjustments and spine stimulation and half an hour with the physical therapists on the gym side of the office. I realized how smart this chiro clinic was, they get you in the door, offer you the chiro services to make you better, send you to the physical therapists to continue your progress then they would offer you a gym membership to keep you coming back. Very smart businessman.
I went back to work on Monday. I started the day in the gym like I did every day but only this time I wasn't working out - I came to use the handicap shower stall that had bars and a seat. It felt fabulous to wash the back of my hair. Since the injury I could not lift my arms above my head and now I could sit and lean forward to let the shower run over me.
I got to work and everyone was surprisingly sympathetic. I had some critical projects to complete but they were behind so as it turned out, I didn't miss anything. I was glad no one was disappointed that I was off. It was a little embarassing walking around with a cane (yes, I took my doctor's advice and got one, it was very helpful). I completed the short-term leave of absence forms that were required by my employer and handed in my work release that gave me permission to work 6 hours a day so I could go to the chiropractor.
After two weeks of this new routine, I was feeling a little better although I still had some real issues. Most of the back pain was tolerable but I still needed the cane because I tended to trip over things since I could not feel my left foot. The chiropractor explained that the bulge in my back was pressing on my sciatic nerve causing the lack of feeling, numbness. He started to do adjustments on my ankle as well as my spine and he gave me some stretching exercises to help relieve the numbness.
I got to work and everyone was surprisingly sympathetic. I had some critical projects to complete but they were behind so as it turned out, I didn't miss anything. I was glad no one was disappointed that I was off. It was a little embarassing walking around with a cane (yes, I took my doctor's advice and got one, it was very helpful). I completed the short-term leave of absence forms that were required by my employer and handed in my work release that gave me permission to work 6 hours a day so I could go to the chiropractor.
After two weeks of this new routine, I was feeling a little better although I still had some real issues. Most of the back pain was tolerable but I still needed the cane because I tended to trip over things since I could not feel my left foot. The chiropractor explained that the bulge in my back was pressing on my sciatic nerve causing the lack of feeling, numbness. He started to do adjustments on my ankle as well as my spine and he gave me some stretching exercises to help relieve the numbness.
We had such a great Memorial Day party and I still didn't have everything cleaned up so I thought I would finish up before getting ready for Tuma's wedding. There were tables to be put away. I picked up the long narrow oak table from the deck and stepped down off the deck and I heard a pop. It was a nagging in the back kind of crackly sound that brought on a strained icky feeling. I set the table down and called Jeff for help. We took it into the garage all the while listening to him lecture me on asking for help earlier. I tried to push the stiffness I was starting to feel back in my brain and carried on.
I got dressed for the wedding. As I bent over to put on my shoes, it was back and took my breath away. A sharp sharp pain. This was not good. We went to the wedding while I tried to deny the aching. During the beautiful ceremony I struggled to concentrate. Every time I had to stand, it was brutal.
After the wedding, we went over to Sobelman's with BJ, Lauren, Eric and Val and hung out. I started to feel a little better but I was still uncomfortable. At the reception, we got a table and went to the bar. Just standing at the bar was becoming brutally painful. I went to the table and sat and was uncomfortable. It was becoming brutally obvious that this was going to get worse. I got more wine. We ate, drank, danced, drank and danced some more. I found myself in excruciating pain everytime I moved. So I stopped moving which was even worse. We had to go.
As we said our good-byes to everyone, I waited outside on the curb while Jeff got the car. While I was waiting Eric dropped his beer bottle and a shard of glass landed right on my big toe. I bent down to yank it out and it was like opening up a gusher. I had the most difficult time bending over to take the glass out, the pain in my back was that bad. Pulling out the glass should have been painful but my back hurt so badly, I hardly noticed. And I hardly noticed the puddle of blood on the ground from my gushing toe. Jeff ran inside and grabbed some napkins to stop the bleeding while I got in the car.
We got home and I could not sleep from the pain. By morning, it was so bad, we went to urgent care over at the orthopedic hospital in Franklin. After a brief visit, I left injected with a pain killer and a prescription for more pain killers. We filled it and went home. I've never had such long-lasting severe pain. I rested all day with the hopes that I would get better soon.
We had a wonderful week of with BJ and the wedding was the finale of the week. Prepping for going back to work was difficult because of this pain. I decided to get to bed early to get up fresh for the work day. Only I could not sleep, could not get comfortable. The pain was excruciating and we went back to the hospital only this time we went to the emergency room. It was midnight and I knew I couldn't go to work in the morning, it would be too painful. The doctor told me that the difference between urgent care and the ER is the type of drugs that can be prescribed. This time I got another injection of something much stronger and two prescriptions to take home.
After a night in the ER, I was not going to work. I spent Monday all drugged up and by the end of the day I knew I was in some real trouble. After another sleepless night, I called my doctor Tuesday and got an appointment for Wednesday. I went in severe pain and I could not even stand up straight. The doctor explained (like the others before her) that there is nothing much that can be done for back pain. She took an x-ray and said there was some arthritis in my back but nothing uncommon for someone my age. She suggested I get a cane to help take the pressure off my back and she gave me a week off in the hopes that the pain would subside. She also suggested I consider seeing a chiropractor stating that there have been studies that show they can help relieve intense pain.
I made a chiro appointment for the next day. They did an x-ray of my back while I was standing up. They found a bulge in my spine. I had an adjustment and some nerve stimulation therapy and felt a little better. I made another appointment to come back again.
The entire week was a blur of medication induced sleepiness and severe pain. I don't know if this is ever going to end and it is exhausting. I spent most of the week sleeping on the couch, slumped over because it was the only way I could get comfortable.
I got dressed for the wedding. As I bent over to put on my shoes, it was back and took my breath away. A sharp sharp pain. This was not good. We went to the wedding while I tried to deny the aching. During the beautiful ceremony I struggled to concentrate. Every time I had to stand, it was brutal.
After the wedding, we went over to Sobelman's with BJ, Lauren, Eric and Val and hung out. I started to feel a little better but I was still uncomfortable. At the reception, we got a table and went to the bar. Just standing at the bar was becoming brutally painful. I went to the table and sat and was uncomfortable. It was becoming brutally obvious that this was going to get worse. I got more wine. We ate, drank, danced, drank and danced some more. I found myself in excruciating pain everytime I moved. So I stopped moving which was even worse. We had to go.
As we said our good-byes to everyone, I waited outside on the curb while Jeff got the car. While I was waiting Eric dropped his beer bottle and a shard of glass landed right on my big toe. I bent down to yank it out and it was like opening up a gusher. I had the most difficult time bending over to take the glass out, the pain in my back was that bad. Pulling out the glass should have been painful but my back hurt so badly, I hardly noticed. And I hardly noticed the puddle of blood on the ground from my gushing toe. Jeff ran inside and grabbed some napkins to stop the bleeding while I got in the car.
We got home and I could not sleep from the pain. By morning, it was so bad, we went to urgent care over at the orthopedic hospital in Franklin. After a brief visit, I left injected with a pain killer and a prescription for more pain killers. We filled it and went home. I've never had such long-lasting severe pain. I rested all day with the hopes that I would get better soon.
We had a wonderful week of with BJ and the wedding was the finale of the week. Prepping for going back to work was difficult because of this pain. I decided to get to bed early to get up fresh for the work day. Only I could not sleep, could not get comfortable. The pain was excruciating and we went back to the hospital only this time we went to the emergency room. It was midnight and I knew I couldn't go to work in the morning, it would be too painful. The doctor told me that the difference between urgent care and the ER is the type of drugs that can be prescribed. This time I got another injection of something much stronger and two prescriptions to take home.
After a night in the ER, I was not going to work. I spent Monday all drugged up and by the end of the day I knew I was in some real trouble. After another sleepless night, I called my doctor Tuesday and got an appointment for Wednesday. I went in severe pain and I could not even stand up straight. The doctor explained (like the others before her) that there is nothing much that can be done for back pain. She took an x-ray and said there was some arthritis in my back but nothing uncommon for someone my age. She suggested I get a cane to help take the pressure off my back and she gave me a week off in the hopes that the pain would subside. She also suggested I consider seeing a chiropractor stating that there have been studies that show they can help relieve intense pain.
I made a chiro appointment for the next day. They did an x-ray of my back while I was standing up. They found a bulge in my spine. I had an adjustment and some nerve stimulation therapy and felt a little better. I made another appointment to come back again.
The entire week was a blur of medication induced sleepiness and severe pain. I don't know if this is ever going to end and it is exhausting. I spent most of the week sleeping on the couch, slumped over because it was the only way I could get comfortable.
Every year we have robin's nest somewhere along our front porch. This year the robins chose the tall yew located between the porch and the garage door. It was fun to peek into the bush from the porch whenever the mommma and poppa robins were out digging up worms. Unfortunately, we could see that one of the eggs did not hatch so it's still in the nest. Here is a photo of one of the babies, about three weeks after hatching. This little guy is fun to watch, as the flying skills are still a little shaky and the most notable red breast isn't quite red yet. That must come with age.

This was the best Mothers' Day weekend ever. We picked up my mom and drove up to Menomonie. It was fun to hang out with Mike, Carmen, Seth, Aubrey, Sedona and new baby Quinn. We stayed a while and took photos then dropped mom off and continued on to Jason and Heather's. The house is gorgeous. We got the tour and hung out and ate pizza. Their house is so big there was plenty of room for us to stay, unlike Mike and Carmen's cute little house, just brimming with little people.
Saturday we got up and ran out to Ikea - my favorite store. We shopped and then went over to Minnehaha Park. We walked around the waterfall and had lunch at the little fish place in the park's pavilion. It is only open seasonally and the weather is just getting warm enough to enjoy sitting outside for lunch. We went back to the house and watched the Kentucky Derby - hours and hours of build up for 5 minutes of excitement. And it was exciting. Once the race was over we drove back to Mike's for dinner. I rode bikes with the kids through the neighborhood. Everyone in the area is so nice, it's a great place for kids to grow up. After it got dark, we drove back to Jason and Heather's for the night.
The next morning we had a nice breakfast and said our good-byes. When we got to Mike and Heather's, we were greeted again by all the kids - so happy all the time. We picked up mom and headed back home. When we dropped her off she said it was the best Mothers' Day ever. I would agree.
Saturday we got up and ran out to Ikea - my favorite store. We shopped and then went over to Minnehaha Park. We walked around the waterfall and had lunch at the little fish place in the park's pavilion. It is only open seasonally and the weather is just getting warm enough to enjoy sitting outside for lunch. We went back to the house and watched the Kentucky Derby - hours and hours of build up for 5 minutes of excitement. And it was exciting. Once the race was over we drove back to Mike's for dinner. I rode bikes with the kids through the neighborhood. Everyone in the area is so nice, it's a great place for kids to grow up. After it got dark, we drove back to Jason and Heather's for the night.
The next morning we had a nice breakfast and said our good-byes. When we got to Mike and Heather's, we were greeted again by all the kids - so happy all the time. We picked up mom and headed back home. When we dropped her off she said it was the best Mothers' Day ever. I would agree.
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