Saturday, November 12

My Back Pain - Spinal Injections

I scheduled the spinal injection for as soon as possible.  Waiting three weeks was difficult.  I was nervous about the whole thing but I wanted to feel better. We got to the hospital and checked in.  I was surprised when I didn't even need a hospital gown. I just laid on a table that has an x-ray machine over it and the doctor injected by back with some local anesthesia and threaded her needle into my spine as she watched the image from the x-ray machine.  It was done from start to finish in less than 10 minutes.  I sat in an exam room afterwards for 30 minutes to ensure there were no complication and then I was ready to go. 

It was lunch time so we went over to Sobelman's and had a Bloody Mary and a burger.  It felt good to do something normal after the stress of the unknown from this morning.  We went home and I relaxed for the rest of the day.  In the morning I could already tell the numbness was going away. I could now feel the top of my foot and only two of my toes were numb instead of all of them.  By the following week, I felt numbness free. 

Too bad it didn't last.  The one thing the doctor did explain is that it doesn't always work the first time.  It can take up to three injections to work. It lasted about two and a half weeks so I called immediately to schedule another one.  I worried about getting on the schedule and sure enough, I have to wait until November 9.  This time I was much more prepared, no fear, no worry, just ready to get it done. Luckily it did work this time.  No more going back for a while. It's too bad the running season is over.

