Friday, January 17

Pre Surgery Jitters

When thinking about my spine issues in general I realized that I've never really taken them as seriously as I probably should have. Part of that comes from the change in the diagnosis; the original diagnosis seemed a little easier to live with. When I went from a few irritating bulging discs that can be dealt with through physical therapy, epidural injections and surgery as a last result to a diagnosis of Degenerative Disc Disease where the only way to treat is surgery, I started to take things a little more seriously.  As my vertebrae wear away, I know the risk of damage to the good ones if I don't get this fixed, but getting it fixed is terribly scary.

Logic tells me doing it now makes the most sense. I am not working so there's no employer to inconvenience. It is winter so I won't be missing out on good weather and outdoor activities and I will be ready for a healthy summer.

My pre-op instructions came in the mail today and here is the first sentence of the 6-page document.  Yes, it is 6 pages long!

On January 23, 2014  you are scheduled for an Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion L3-4, L4-5, and L5-S1; on January 24, 2014, you are scheduled for a Decompressive Lumbar Laminectomy L2-3, L3-4, L4-5, and L5-S1 with a Posterior Spinal Fusion with Instrumentation L3-4, L4-5, and L5-S1.

Sounds complicated but I have faith in my surgeons and it helps not to think about it if at all possible. As I read through all the pages, I realize that I need to get some things.  I need antibacterial soap and some post-surgical loose clothing.  So I head to Wal-Mart to buy some cheap Danskin yoga wear a size bigger than I normally wear.  That should help. At least it keeps me busy so I don't have to think about it too much.  

