Thursday, January 30

Post Surgery - Remembering Friday

I have been home from the hospital for three days now.  I will try and re-cap what I remember from my 5-day stay.  I thought I could write this all in one day but I am exhausted after 20 minutes of typing. So it might take me a while to write it all down.
Friday: I am scheduled for surgery at 9:30 but 9:30 goes by then 10, then 10:30 and I start to get anxious. The physician's assistant finally comes in to apologize because their first case of the day was tougher than they anticipated. He said there was a lot of scar tissue to get through and they wanted to do it right. I asked why he thinks he should apologize for doing a good job. Besides, I'm not going anywhere.

I finally get rolled into surgery a little after noon.  I remember seeing the operating room and the anesthesiologist starting to place an oxygen mask on me. The last thing I remember is seeing it about 6 inches from my face.

I woke up in the recovery room to two more IVs in my hand. One was a central line, and as soon as I was conscious, the nurse started to remove it. The thing about those is they have to apply pressure for 15 minutes straight so she was very close to me and I felt very safe. I felt nothing in my back which was good. The epidurals were working.  I also had no more pain in my hips and I wondered if that was just from the epidural as well.

I got back to my room after 8pm.  Jeff was waiting patiently. He stayed with me until late into the night then went home to bed.  I don't remember the rest of the night.  Sleep is good and it comes easily.

