I came home last week to find a bird's nest perched in the wreath on the front porch. I peeked in the nest and it was empty. Considering that it's almost June, I assumed this nest was already used and the birds were done with it. Especially since the week before I saw the nest, I found a broken robin's egg under the bushes. I figured I would leave the nest there as part of the decor. When I remembered the broken robin's egg under the bushes, I decided to place it into the used nest. Just as I gently picked up the broken egg to set in in the nest I discovered there were two eggs in the nest! I peeked again the next day to find three eggs. I waited until there were no neighbors around, I really do not want to draw attention to this for fear of something bad happening, so when no one was around I took a photo of mom sitting on the nest.
This morning mom robin left the nest, probably to get some food. It rained last night and there were plenty of worms available for her. I got up on a wicker chair on the porch to get a good look at the eggs with my camera in my hand. Much to my amazement, there were a total of four eggs! What a beautiful sight to see and I hope I can get a shot of the babies when they finally hatch. By my calculations, the babies should be here next weekend.
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