Friday, February 15

Bad Boss Blues

Tough boss is really hard on bad boss. I discovered one of his patterns. When he lies, his voice crackles. The more the crackle the bigger or the deeper he is in his lie. Every Friday he sits in tough boss' office and he has to explain why he accomplished nothing on his task list. This is the difficult thing about sitting outside of tough boss' door. I can hear everything. She is fair but firm with everyone, she lets no one off the hook, and her expectations are very high.

This day, the list is getting longer of unaccomplished items, the explanations are getting weaker, voice cracklier. I almost feel sorry for him. And a little ashamed of myself since I can hear all this. At the same time it gives me a sense that there is some justice in the world. After all, he is getting paid a lot of money to do absolutely nothing. The meeting goes almost an hour and by the end of it, he has no voice left. Lots of big lies.

I am so glad the weekend is here.

