Wednesday, February 20

Idiocracy is Coming

Since I saw the movie Idiocracy I worry about whether or not this could really occur. Sometimes, I am afraid that it's closer than I think...

I go to the fitness center every morning. There are two televisions set up with satellite dish hook-ups. On this day, only one is working, since I get there first, I have dibs on the one that works. So as usual, I turn on CNN. Since the primary was yesterday, the news coverage is all about Obama's big wins here as well as the other states.

About 45 minutes into my morning work-out, two younger women come in. Today they are a little distraught, they can't watch Saved by the Bell. The TV just doesn't work. They fiddle with it for a good 10 minutes before they give in.

I am certain that some would call me a little obsessive about my routine, especially in comparison to these two. Their idea of a workout is to crank up the incline on the treadmill and enjoy a power bar while walking on the ramp and chatting about their lives, work, etc. They certainly won't ever break a sweat.

Since their sit-com isn't on they are forced to watch CNN, after all, I have dibs. One of them turns to the other and inquires, "Are there primaries in ALL the states?" Followed by, "Northern Wisconsin is full of Republicans because they all love their guns."

