Monday, December 31


New Years' Eve is where we think of resolutions. But somehow, for me, it turns to thinking about regrets. Regrets for things I have done, things I left undone, time I've wasted, things I have said and things I should have said. I try not to dwell on things I didn't do, guilt is wasted energy - but I always hope I learn from the experience and do better next time. So with that said, here we go with my 2008 resolutions:
  1. Save more, spend less. Maybe I will get a part-time job.
  2. Read more books.
  3. Cut out the bad carbs.
  4. Complain about the boss less - I will blog about it instead of complain out loud - gotta vent somewhere.
  5. Volunteer more.
  6. Stay out of fabric stores - buying fabric is like an addiction. Instead, I will try to use up what I have - and I have plenty.
  7. Go green in everything I do.
  8. No regrets.

