Wednesday, December 26

Low Expectations

I got a raise today. My boss was proud to announce that on a rating scale of 1 to5 (5 being excellent), I have scored a 5 in all categories. Perfect score! So he says he fought to get me a big 4% increase for 2008. I know I should be grateful for all of this but it's hard to get excited about a guy whose standards are so low, the 5's become meaningless. In my department there are two employees who are underachievers. One should be fired. He spends the workday online on myspace trying to get dates and watching YouTube. The boss sticks up for him all the time. So my perfect score is a way for the boss to rate the bad employees 3's, not at good as some of us but not so bad as to have to take action. As for the raise, I know that the average increase for all employees where I work is 3% so 4 is really good. But he promised me 5% back in September when I found out that the myspace slacker made more money that I did! So it was a shut-me-up kind of a deal. I can't believe that I am so frustrated over a good review and a raise. I guess I would rather be held to a higher standard.

