Thursday, December 27

New Hope

A new director started today. For the first time since I've worked at this company, there's a woman at the senior management level. I think it's great and hope things work out well for her. And for me. This woman will be my boss' boss. Already he is sucking up. And unfortunately, I sit right outside of her door so I have to hear his bs.

My boss is a total poser. He has been at my company for 7 months and he still cannot remember the simple processes that we have in place. He constantly asks for information that he already has. Then he wants to change the processes because he thinks they are inadequate. The problem is he is the inadequate one because he doesn't follow or know the process, so how can he change something that he obviously doesn't even understand?

To top it off he can't remember any of our projects either so he mixes them all up. Today he was explaining a project to the new director but he described parts of two different projects. He had it so messed up it was actually entertaining to listen to him make it up as he spoke. Making things up is his specialty. A few weeks back there was a thank you luncheon for everyone on a successful project. I was missed from the invitation list so I asked him about it - he said I wasn't invited because it was managers only. So I asked then why all the rest of the entire project team was on the invitation list. He agreed that I was missed - so he said he would get me included. But of course, he never did. Not that I really cared about the lunch, it was the principle of the thing. I knew he wouldn't follow up. Follow-through is another thing he doesn't do.

So back to the new boss was in her office only four times today. That's because she was in meetings some of the time so during the 8 times he looked for her, he could only stalk her four times. I wonder how long it will take her to figure out that he doesn't do anything but hang around. He calls it hovering - the rest of us call it lurking.

To make matters worse, this is not a good-looking man. He is short, overweight, and balding. Today he showed up with the little hair that he has colored! He went from a whiteish-gray to a dark color. Plus he dyed the mustache. It is not an improvement.

Next week for fun, I will have to post a stalking chart and record all his suck-up attempts with his new boss. He does make for some entertainment. It helps relieve the frustration of his ineptness.

New boss, new hope for termination.
Stay tuned...

