Saturday, August 7

Trip to Sturgis Day 2, Part 1

We went for a morning swim in the hotel pool then had some breakfast before we started out for the day. The Executive group was scheduled to be in Rochester by 8:30 am which meant they were leaving La Crosse pretty early. We chose to sleep in and catch up with them later. Maybe. We are just as happy all by ourselves so it was yet to be determined whether we would continue on with the group at all. We were going to follow their route because it was on the back roads, no more I-90 expressway.
We checked out at 8:45 and got on the road. The first stop of the day is Rochester which was about 65 miles away. We knew we wouldn't catch the group riders there but we were in no rush, we're on vacation.

The view on the ride was incredible. We followed the Mississippi River for quite a while and passed through many small towns along the way. There was little traffic which made the ride all that much more enjoyable.

It started to rain so we had to stop to put the rain suits on. It was a pretty heavy rain with stressed us out, more Jeff than me though. When we got to Rochester it was clear that the group riders had already come and gone so we did not stop. Since it was still raining we would continue moving as long as possible just to get as far as we could and hopefully get past this storm. Waiting it out is not an option.

It stopped raining about an hour later so we pulled into the Harley dealership in Mankato. It was a good spot to take the rain suits off and the Executive ride just happened to still be there. Now that Karen Davidson knows who we are she approached us to see how our trip was going so far. Jeff told her we were now riding on our own at our pace and we would continue to do so, with that we said our goodbyes for now knowing we would see each other again in Sturgis.

Jeff took our picture before we left.

