We were riding along enjoying the view of the many ranches covering the landscape, in fact, I even saw a cowboy on a horse! It was an amazing sight. A real cowboy.
Unfortunately, by the time we came upon it, we could not safely slow down to turn in so we passed it and turned back at the first safe opportunity. Parking was a little treacherous since there is nothing but hilly dirt. We were getting used to it though as it seemed like most places we went were like that.
There were plenty of tables, benches and old tree stumps available to sit down on and rest. The atmosphere was warm and relaxing. There was also a band playing. So we ordered some food and drinks and sat down to listen to the band. After a week's worth of riding and fun events along with our morning hike, this felt like the most relaxing place on earth. I don't know what it was, the ambiance, the timing, the warm weather or our vacation days winding down, but it sure felt good to be sitting still.
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