Tuesday, November 10

Becoming outnumbered

Now that the poser is gone, there's a job opening. Pushover boss is delighted because she can bring in another one of her work buddies from her last job. I'm OK with interviewing him and going through the process because I figure there are plenty of other candidates to look at as well. Then I ask, when are we getting more candidates? After all, this is a bad economy so the talent pool (looking for a job) must be pretty good. Pushover boss is shocked and angry at such a suggestion. "Why would we look for outside talent when we can hire someone I know?!?" Boy, she was pissed. So back to the interview. We question this guy who clearly states that he wants to be management someday, not do QA work forever. He does seem qualified but he's had more jobs in this decade than the number of DUIs another loser co-worker has...(and that would be 6 DUIs).

So I question the director regarding interviewing more than one person and she makes Pushover boss look at more resumes. Pushover boss sets up two interviews with other highly qualified candidates. But wouldn't you know it, those highly qualified actually got jobs somewhere else. (I knew there was talent out there!) So that was her lame attempt at "looking at other candidates". More proof of lazy. Lazy...hmmm, it hit like a brick - she wants this guy BECAUSE he wants to be manager, then he can do her work...how could I have missed that? Now it all makes sense. He starts at the end of the month. One candidate, one interview, one hire.

