Saturday, March 31


Taking over the HOG webmaster duties has been a pleasant surprise. I feel a sense of being a part of something that being just a member of the chapter didn't do for me. I think part of those feelings are the clickiness of the group. They claim they are trying to open up to others but the reality is that it doesn' work that way. And it's not that they are different from any other group, it's just part of human nature.

I do think that even if I didn't get involved with the web stuff eventually I would have worked my way in but it would have taken longer. They are nice people. The thing is I don't want to get too involved. I like that my opinion gets heard and that I provide a valuable service, but I don't want to end up spending my summer afternoons in the House of Harley parking lot selling hot dogs.

I like the challenge of doing the web although it can be frustrating. I wish I had more time so I could really jazz it up. It is definitely a work in progress. I would totally re-do the thing if I didn't have to work all day. The whole involvement thing doesn't make sense to me. I don't understand why it's so important for me to fit into this group. I prefer doing everything alone. It must be some sort of ying-yang thing where this gives me my group-belonging fix.

