Wednesday, March 28

Jeff's boss

I can't stop thinking about Jeff's boss. He died yesterday of leukemia. His diagnosis came on November 16th so he didn't last very long. He always asked for people to pray for him, his updates on his situation were positive but between the lines there was a sense of acceptance that he could not be cured.

He was coughing and listless for a month before he finally went to the doctor. As soon as he went, they put him in the hospital thinking he had pneumonia. It wasn't until the next day that the results were in, leukemia.

He started treatment right away and it was brutal. He lost 50 pounds and all his energy was gone. He had a little reprieve, started feeling good, but he knew it was temporary until the next round of treatment. He had a long, hard road ahead of him but he was thinking about how he would get back to work by May.

As the treatment went on, it was working. A month-long hospital stay was nearing its end and his blood cells were improving when it happened. His kidneys failed. They couldn't handle all the brutality of the treatments.

He was only 48.

