Saturday, August 11

Our First Day on Marco Island

Our plane landed in Florida only for me to find out that my luggage was accidentally routed to Detroit. It would be a while before the airline ended up delivering the luggage to me but they did it.

We immediately got settled and planned a trip to the grocery store. We purchased way too many groceries. But it's vacation so it doesn't matter. We did have fun at the liquor store.

Once we were back at the condo, we walked the beach out in front. It was an incredible view. As the sun was setting Carol shot a few photos.

I took the opportunity to take a few of my own. Stephanie's sister, Jennifer gave each of us these cute tumblers commemorating our trip. What a nice surprise!

I thought I would use my tumbler as a prop to mark the start of my photo journey throughout this trip.

This morning it rained which is pretty common here. Everything is so lush and green from the rain.This morning we woke up to this rainbow.

I had some fun with the coffee mug Stephanie gave us. Aren't they cute? 

I couldn't resist making it look like the rainbow was going into the cup.

