Wednesday, December 23

Time to get it together

I've been having a real hard time with Christmas. All I could think of was last year's tree with the Baby's First Christmas stocking hanging on the top of the tree...followed by a photo of that stocking at the baby's funeral. Those two images are so intertwined that I cannot separate them so there is no joy in the upcoming holiday. I have no desire for a tree, for holiday shopping, for cookie baking, for decorating, for all the things that I enjoyed during the Christmas season.

Then Adam posted his comment on Facebook about how he misses Stephen so much and that he knows he would have really liked the snow. That comment was a real slap in the face for me. It was a reminder that others were hurting more than me and that I should be helping hold them up instead of being a burden on everyone around me as a wallow in my own sadness. So I'm suking it up and going shopping. The cookie dough is in the fridge.

Thank you Adam for straightening me out, I really needed the kick in the ass.

