Her new school does a lot of things we didn't expect. In these days of political correctness, many have cut out Halloween activities. At Honey Creek, they have something called a Fall Festival. They do it in early October. It includes a costume parade around the neighborhood. My daughter mentioned the event to me half-heartedly so I could attend if I had nothing to do that day. So I thought I would go. I had anticipated the little kindergarteners marching around the outside of the school in their little costumes and that's about it. Boy, was I wrong.
When I pulled up to the school the Milwaukee Police were just closing down the roads to through traffic. I was happy I parked in the nick of time. As I walked toward the school the junior high band from next door was practicing and getting ready to line up at the start of this parade. Then I saw the motorcycle police ride up in front of the band to lead the parade. As I got closer to the main doors of the school, the principal came outside to meet the Alderman and a few other dignitaries that I was not that familiar with (this is not my neighborhood). This was a bigger deal than I expected.
As the kids started coming out of the school, I noticed the neighbors getting out their lawn chairs and sitting down to watch the parade. The K4 kids came out then the K5 kids and I saw Chloe. Parents and family were invited to walk along in the parade. Chloe was pleasantly surprised to see me and thrilled that I was going to be walking with her all along the way. What a great time!
All the grades participated in the parade and it was a really big deal. Many parents came to walk with their kids. The weather was absolutely perfect on this fall day and we all had a great time. Chloe's mom is going to be disappointed that she took this event for granted but I an so glad I was there.
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