Thursday, December 13

Annual VA Hospital Christmas Visit

Candy gifts for the vets
Our Legion Riders group spent the evening visiting the veterans at the Zablocki Medical Center.  We always visit the paraplegic ward during the holidays.  A neighborhood elementary school makes and gives us hand-made Christmas cards to give to the veterans.  We take along little packaged of candy wrapped in red and green and my daughter, Jen gives us baseball-style caps from Harley-Davidson.  The vets are always thrilled to get the hats.  Even the hospital staff like the hats (we had a few left over to give them as well).  It was a heartwarming experience to spend some time with these heroes.  And we are glad to be able to do it.
Legion Riders at the VA Hospital

Vets receive quilts made by my church group

The group hands out Harley hats and candy

