Tuesday, June 12

New Hampshire - Day 2

We had breakfast at the hotel and took our time getting out the door.  We rode to Weirs Beach/Lobster Pound to attend the bike rally.  We parked our bike among the hundreds of other bikes there for the rally.  Since it was still before noon, it wasn't terribly busy.  There were vendor booths lined up along the lake as well as along the road.  We took our time walking from vendor to vendor looking at all the familiar things that were for sale.  After attending a few bike rallies, it seems that the items for sale are all pretty much the same, the only thing that changes is their names. 
We like to collect patches from events like this. One can only own so many t-shirts and the patches are easier to deal with so we bought some Laconia Bike Rally 2012 patches from the first vendor we saw that had them. Usually I will find a piece of costume jewelry to buy but I wasn't much for shopping today so I skipped it, or maybe nothing appealed to me, or maybe a combination of the two. We took our time working through the crowd along the water, then along the main road.  We saved the Harley area for last since Jen would be there.

One of the people who was at the Harley tent was a man who works with fibers. His company created a fiber coating that wicked away water and didn't leave behind the stinky smell that most fabrics like this did (like Under Armour, for example).  He was interesting to talk to.

One of the most fun things to do at the rally was under the Harley tent. They had an area set up where you could take a part off of a motorcycle and if you did it in less than two minutes you got a $15 Harley gift card.  Jen said she did it in a lot less than two minutes and it was a really easy way to get $15. So we watched two people give it a shot. One guy did it in less that two and a woman went over the two minutes so she was disqualified.  Jeff went next and easily took the part off with time to spare.  Both Jen and Jeff were trying to convince me to do it.  I was apprehensive - I didn't want to be embarrassed by getting beat by the clock.  After much debate I determined that we weren't leaving this area until I did it.  So surprisingly, I took the saddle bag off (just three bolts to remove!) in just over 1 minute.  It was pretty entertaining and easy money. 

After that, Jen took her lunch break and we all went over to the Lobster Pound where Jeff got the lobster roll.  It was a little better than average rally food, but nothing we would recommend which was no real surprise.  Like I said, rally food.

