Friday, April 11

Just When I Thought I Was In...

I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon for a physical. I haven't had one in a while and since I recently turned 50, all of a sudden it seemed like an absolute must to get this done, sort of a birthday present of well-being. I left the visit feeling pretty good, my doctor said I was in great shape. It was a great weight off my shoulders to know that I hit the big-5-0 without maintenance medications or strict warnings about changing my habits like many people I know. My doctor told me that I have the bone structure of a 21-year old and my HDL (good cholesterol) is 97. All is well with the world.

Evening came and I was still riding the high of my younger-than -50-feeling. I logged on to my iTunes account and downloaded a new song from The Roots called The Seed 2.0. I recently heard the song in a movie and it took me a while to track down the name of the group and the song. I was feeling pretty hip and trendy and on top of all things new and fresh.

Then my son came home. I touted my great medical report and informed him of my new iTunes purchase anticipating his impressiveness with my ability to stay in touch with all that is new and fresh. I mentioned The Roots in a matter-of-fact fashion like it was yesterday's news. As it turns out, it was yesterday's news. His response was, "Oh, I saw them last summer at the Dave Matthews concert. They are pretty good."

Pop! hip and trendy bubble burst. OK, so it was new to me, not the rest of the world. Old age, here I come - but not without kicking and screaming.

