Thursday, October 5

Stupid People

As Election Day gets closer I started to review my voting choices. I needed to understand how to interpret the marriage amendment. After reading posts at the site from really stupid people who thought yes meant no and no meant yes I had to make sure the verbiage was clear to me. In my pursuit of local political data, knowing very well that most information on the Internet is total crap (either worthless opinions or non-scholarly half truths) I came across this blog that had Dimity on it. After perusing this guy’s site, I realized that this was no average redneck half witted Republican, this was an all out full fledged alien believing God fearing moron who goes by the name Milwaukee idiot (how fitting). I bet he is fat too. Nothing like a little gluttony, since there’s no such thing as global warming, maybe there’s no such thing as bad cholesterol either. Actually I bet he lives on high fructose corn syrup, a product of our government that I'm sure this guy agrees with, as long as you don't make fuel for our cars out of it. After I stopped gagging over the Dimwitty comments (I thought I would spell something wrong so I wouldn’t look too much smarter than this guy with his horrible spelling, grammar, and stupid remarks), I found this joke he posted:

Paris Hilton and Welfare Rats
Q: What do Paris and Welfare Rats have in common??
A: Neither one has any clue what the worth of a dollar is since they have never had to earn that dollar.

He forgot the other thing they have in common…they are all Republicans! Funny thing is the joke is on him. Apparently he doesn’t know that Dimity wouldn’t know what the dollar is worth either since she didn’t earn her lottery winnings. People are so stupid. That’s one blog I will never read again.

