Sunday, October 22 0 comments

Toby's Bad Day

I started last night. It was a little after 9 and I was thinking about getting ready for bed. It began with the sound of Toby galloping across the hall. He was really hoofing it. I thought for sure it was a game. Then I heard the squealing. It was a chirpy little sound. And consistent, like a squeaky wheel on a wagon. Squeak, squeak, squeak. I started to pay more attention to it when it began to sound a little like screaming. It was obviously a small voice. Toby was relentless in his chase. That's when it occurred to me - he's chasing a MOUSE! Oh no. I hate mice. And no one is home but me. The men are up north and Bailee is at her boyfriend's house so I will have to deal with this all by myself. Shit.

I got up from my chair, tentatively. Toby's little cat ears were casting a shadow on the wall across from the basement steps. I tip-toed over to the steps and he was sitting there meowing quite seriously while trying to get behind some jars sitting in the corner of the first step. The mouse had to be behind it. I decided to play chicken and leave Toby to the dirty business of getting the mouse. When he finds them he tends to bat them around until he kills them. Then he will just sit there jabbing at them as if he's wondering why they won't move anymore. So I went back to the living room, turned off the television, and picked up a little. I checked the locks and peeked at the cat. He wasn't on the basement step anymore. Uh-oh. Where's the damn mouse?

I was too tired (and scared) to pursue it so I headed through the foyer to go upstairs to bed. Toby was sitting in the foyer with his head buried in a decorative crate in the middle of the foyer. He must have let the mouse go temporarily only to catch up with it here. Or else there is more than one! I'm not gonna think about that, I'm just going to bed. I better make sure I shut the bedroom door I don't want Toby bringing me any little mice gifts in the middle of the night.

I got up to the same familiar sound from the night before. Toby was scuttling across the hall. By the time I got downstairs, his head was buried in the crate again. I wonder if he chased that thing around all night. If so, he must be exhausted. After all, cats need about 20 hours of sleep. I put the mouse out of my mind, got my coffee and settled in to read the Sunday paper. On occasion, I like to sit in my big chair in the living room to read the paper. Normally, we read the paper at the kitchen table, but when it's cold in the house, the comfort of the big chair is nicer than the cold wooden kitchen chairs.

I finished with the paper and started my chores. I put some laundry in the wash machine and headed to kitchen to start food prep for the day. Toby was lying on his rug in front of the patio door, just watching me work. Apparently he forgot about the mouse. Note to self: tell Jeff to look in the crate when he gets home today and get rid of the carcass. I started frying bacon, pouring more coffee in my cup, and washing some apples when Toby got up and scurried to the corner of the room. All of a sudden the mouse comes running from the corner to under the garbage can. I screamed so loud the cat stopped his pursuit to turn and look at me. At this point, I'm standing on a stool as he looks up with this WTF look on his little kitty face. Of course he lost track of the mouse once I screamed.

I knew it was under the kitchen garbage container so I just went back to what I was doing hoping it would just stay put. It didn't. Toby chased the thing from the corner to under the garbage and back a few times. I think he finally got tired of the game and went back to lying on the rug. The rug split the difference from the corner to the garbage so he had all the bases covered.

Usually I like the quiet of the family's absence but this one time I was hoping they would be home early and they weren't. Bailee came home around noon with her boyfriend's two cats. Toby was back in hot pursuit of the mouse again and it was hiding under the computer desk. The new kitties were introducing themselves to Toby and he didn't seem to mind. At least at first he didn't. Then the cats started hissing at him. He didn't like that. He didn't seem to like the distraction from his mouse mission either. I explained the situation to Bailee who was no help. She said she hated mice too and wouldn't want to have to get rid of one either. Her cats took off to an unknown destination.

Toby seemed to have forgotten about the cats and went back to his mission of chasing the mouse. Jeff and BJ got home around 1. I explained to the boys about the mouse and the two cats that are roaming the house somewhere. Jeff approached Toby and he hissed at him. I'm thinking that was a late reaction to the new cats. Or he was pissed off about the many distractions from his mouse mission. Jeff decided to get in on the hunt. He got out his leather gloves and a yardstick to force the mouse out. As he did this, Toby seemed more interested in Jeff than the mouse so he missed him running by. Jeff yelled at the cat.

I figured between the cat and the mouse, exhaustion should be setting in and they would both give up. The cat figured out the purpose of the yardstick once he saw the mouse go by. Not much gets by this cat, he won't make the same mistake twice. So Jeff goes after the mouse again. This time Toby let the mouse run right past his leg. But at that moment, he picked up his paw to hold the mouse down. Jeff picked the mouse up from under the cat's paw. The poor thing was probably so tired he just didn't care anymore.

Jeff took the mouse outside and let it go. Now all poor Toby had to deal with was the other two cats in his territory. They buried themselves under a shelf in the basement. Apparently they were as happy to be here as Toby was to have them here. Bailee pried them out from their protective hiding spot and brought them back upstairs. Now that the mouse distraction was gone, they all just sat and hissed at each other.

I know Bailee thought it would be a good thing to bring the cats over to a larger place to run, but apparently they were much happier in their little home. So she packed them up and took them back to her boyfriend's apartment. Toby's busy day must have worn him out. He sat on the rug struggling to keep his eyes open. I wiped out his dish, put new food in it, rinsed out and refilled his water dish, and he walked over to eat. A few minutes later he curled himself into a ball in his sleeping place and was out for the day. And probably for the rest of the night till tomorrow.
Thursday, October 19 0 comments

Latest poll puts Doyle ahead

The article below is from the Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel.
Of course, Green doubts the poll, he also believes that there is no such thing as global warming and that stem cell research is a bad thing. Moron. Maybe the abominable snowman is blowing the politican's hot air around to create the horrible hurricanes we've been dealing with. And maybe it's better to put our faith in God than rely on science to use embryos for curing disease instead of just throwing them away (I don't see why we can't do both). Republicans don't even know what the republican values are anymore. Why would anyone trust them? How quickly people forgot that it was Tommy Thompson (another Republican) who put our state into the deficit that it's in right now, oh wait, the Dems are winning in the polls, people DO remember!

Latest poll puts Doyle ahead, but Green camp doubts it
Posted: Oct. 18, 2006
Madison -With less than three weeks to go until the election, Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle is leading his Republican opponent, U.S. Rep. Mark Green of Green Bay, according to a new poll released today.
The poll was conducted by Wisconsin Public Radio and the St. Norbert College Survey Center and showed that 51% of respondents said they would likely vote for Doyle, compared with 38% who favored Green. Green Party candidate Nelson Eisman was the choice of 1% of respondents, 4% favored another candidate and the rest weren't sure. The telephone poll surveyed 400 likely Wisconsin voters from Oct. 9 to 16 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points.
The survey window is longer than many other polls because interviewers make repeated attempts to contact those who are randomly identified for the survey, rather than giving up and moving on to other respondents, said Wendy Scattergood, assistant professor of political science at St. Norbert College.
The random sample also included more Democrats than Republicans, Scattergood said.
In the race for attorney general, Democratic candidate Kathleen Falk was the choice of 44% of respondents, compared with 38% for Republican J.B. Van Hollen, within the margin of error. Seven percent said they favored another candidate and the rest weren't sure or declined to answer.
Other recent surveys have shown Doyle with a much narrower lead, within the margin of error of those polls, indicating the race is a dead heat.
An online poll by Zogby Interactive in cooperation with the Wall Street Journal Online was conducted from Oct. 10 to 16 and showed the race at 47.4% for Doyle and 45.6% for Green. Others weren't broken out. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.3 percentage points.
Mike Prentiss, a spokesman for the Green campaign, said the Wisconsin Public Radio-St. Norbert poll was inconsistent with other findings, such as those of the Zogby poll.
"Every other independent poll in this race has shown an incredibly close race," Prentiss said. "We like where we're positioned, and momentum is on Mark Green's side."
The Doyle campaign is feeling good about its position at this point in the race, said Doyle spokesman Anson Kaye. "We've said all along that polls go up and polls go down, but we're pleased to be leading this one as we have in most of the polls that have been done," Kaye said.
Respondents were also asked what was the most important factor in driving their choice for governor. The No. 1 issue was taxes, cited by 14% of respondents. And of those who rated taxes first, more planned to vote for Green, Scattergood said. Green also led among the 10.8% who said personal character was the most important factor, she said.
Doyle was the leading choice of those who pointed to education, which was most important to 13.3% and second on the list of issues, and of the 11.3% of respondents who said the economy was most important, putting it third. Doyle also led among the 5% who put health care first, Scattergood said.
Other poll findings:
Marriage amendment: The poll showed that a majority of respondents favored a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage and civil unions that resemble marriage.
Fifty-one percent of respondents said they supported the amendment, 44% said they opposed it, 5% weren't sure or declined to answer the question.
The result is similar to other polls finding that a majority of voters support the amendment.
Death penalty: Respondents also favored an advisory referendum asking whether the death penalty should be enacted in Wisconsin in cases of first-degree homicide that are supported by DNA evidence. Fifty percent of respondents supported the idea, which will be used to guide lawmakers in making policy, while 45% were against it and 5% weren't sure or declined to answer the question.
Those results were also consistent with other recent polls.
Monday, October 16 0 comments

It's a bad day when...

You know it's gonna be a bad day when:
1. You're too drug induced from all the allergy medicine you took the day before to go to the gym first thing in the morning.
2. Because you don't get up early to go to the gym, you oversleep and end up running late.
3. Because you're running late, you don't check your pantyhose before you leave for work.
4. Because you're in a hurry, you don't see the kitty barf at the bottom of the steps so you walk in it.
5. Because you didn't get up early to leave for work, the traffic is horrendous.
6. Because you didn't check your pantyhose before you left work, you now discover a big run in them as you're heading down to the cafe to get your morning coffee.

7. You put on your spare pair of pantyhose only to make a run larger than the one in the hose you just removed.
8. While putting the old pantyhose back on, you make another run in them.
9. You discover that your planned work schedule for Thursday is cancelled, leaving you scrambling.
10. You are having the best hair day of your life, only to find that you have a haircut appointment tomorrow.
11. A coworker kindly brings you candy for your candy dish and you can't stand the smell of it.

...And it's only lunch time.
Friday, October 13 0 comments

I finally decided

I finally decided that I will hand in the required form for the Webmaster position on the Milwaukee HOG chapter board.

Reasons to volunteer:
I seem to operate on a day-to-day basis better when I have to manage my time with multiple projects.
I don't like their website so I should put my money where my mouth is.
I like that the chapter's favored charity is the JDRF.
I could use the web design experience.
I like being part of a team.
I might get the opportunity to voice my opinion within the chapter.

Reasons not to volunteer:
The dedication of my time.

Seems like an obvious decision when I write it all down.

Tuesday, October 10 0 comments

iPod - Take Three

I took my iPod back to Best Buy tonight. I started in customer service before I was sent to the Geek Squad window. I explained to the resident Geek that my iPod wouldn't turn off. I went through the entire saga giving him the entire history since the problem started last Friday. It was sort of a catch-22. Since it wouldn't turn off, the battery was dead. The Geek got out a charger and plugged it in. He turns it on and off. Gee, I could have done that. I told him take it off the charger and then try it. He looked at me with an odd expression on his face. I sensed the man was thinking 'you dumb blonde'. I added to my original saga that since I work in an IT environment, not only did I run the device through every percievable (futile) exercise that Apple's support site had to offer, I asked my work Geeks if they had any ideas. I think my respectability went up at least one notch at that point. But since I was a little irritated, I asked him if he wanted me to take it home, charge it up and then bring it back so he can see it won't turn off. By then it charged a little, he removed it from the connection and agreed that it wouldn't turn off. Phew.

So he takes it in the back room. Now I'm feeling like I'm at the car dealership where they pretend to check with their manager whether or not it's OK to make the deal. He comes back out without the iPod and asks for my paperwork and if I had the extended warranty. I'm thinking to myself, what difference does the extended warranty's not old enough for the original warranty to have expired. I handed him the paperwork and he barely glanced at it, so I don't know what that was all about.

Then a young guy came in with his broken iPod. I'm thinking gee, what a surprise! So I'm trying to listen to his story as Resident Geek takes the iPod in the back. At the same time Jeff is concerned that they now have both iPods back there. He asks me if the serial number is on the device. I told him not to worry, it's clearly marked and since I have the box we can match it up if necessary. Resident Geek comes out with my iPod in hand, gives it to me and says take it over to customer service and they will get you a new one.

We walk the ten steps back to the customer service representative and tell him I need a new iPod. He sends me over the to the sales floor. Of course (like last time) they didn't have my model in stock at this time. BUT the prices of iPods have dropped so I could trade my 2G for a 4G for $20. I hemmed and hawed then decided to take the bite. I just couldn't imagine a day without the damn thing. Now the tough part, picking a color. There was silver, black, pink, green. I thought and thought. Jeff wondered why I didn't just grab the pink one. I explained it's a bright, ugly pink and I don't like it. I chose the silver one. Plain and simple. Truth is, I kinda liked the green one. As the salesman takes the silver one out, he says the most popular one was the green. I told him I can see why, it's the one I was debating.

I went back to the service desk to complete the transaction. I explained how troubled I was over choosing a color, the clerk says 'speak now'. I asked Jeff to go get the green one and handed him the silver one. He comes back and says that the clerk said 'I knew it!'. Perceptive guy. I got out my credit card, and the clerk says no charge, they are even up. Wow....I'm thinking hurry, let's get out of here before they realize their mistake.

As I sat in the car reviewing the receipt I realized it wasn't a mistake, I did pay the same amout for my old iPod. It's just that I got a discount after the original price, so the clerk took the same original discount off the new one. How nice. It felt better knowing I didn't get away with something bad. I don't like guilt.

The new iPod is cool. I am happy with Best Buy. I just wish I could say I'm happy with Apple products.

I've replaced my iPod for the third time. It's getting ridiculous. Thank goodness for Best Buy's extended warranty. I've had it with these things.
Monday, October 9 0 comments

Here we go again

My iPod doesn't work....again.
This is my second one. I cannot believe this is happening to me. I've spent a fortune on these damn things and I can't afford to have it break. Why me? Why can't something go right? I rely on this stupid little device more than I should but exercise wouldn't ever be the same without it. And exercise is difficult enough without my little crutch. Arrrggghhhh!
Sunday, October 8 0 comments


I did something totally out of character last night. I attended an all-night "crop" at the local scrapbooking store. This is an event where you take your photos and all your scrapbooking supplies and show up to hang out with a bunch of ladies doing the same thing. The beauty of these events is that if you run out of something or need something, it's all right there in the store. It's also a way to get new and fresh ideas and designs. And you get all your photos catalogued and presented in a nice photo album to share with others. I do love artsy things so I like the whole idea of scrapbooking I'm just not fond of hanging out with others.

I'm not comfortable in these settings with all the small talk about stuff I don't really care about. Hanging out with old ladies whose idea of a good time is spending weekends at their "cabin" where they can get away from it all by living with dead deer heads hanging on the wall and taking photos of their family members sitting at a picnic table in the yard. 30 years of photos at the same cabin and the same yard. I guess I just prefer the adventures found in new and interesting places that I've never been to before even though I do have a small collection of those same cabin photos. I just don't want to be defined by them.

The young women aren't much better, having to run to the bathroom to use their breast pumps. When they aren't in the bathroom they are comparing stories about playgroups and husbands who don't always help with the kids. All their photos involve the birthing process or some phase of drooling, squirming, cutesey, big eyed babies framed in pink or blue accordingly. I have some of these photos too, but not enough to be able to make an entire photo album about a 6-month old child. Maybe I was just a bad mom for not carrying a camera everywhere I went.

I have absolutely nothing in common with these people.

To me, the old ladies are boring, and the young ones are, well, boring. Where are the women who travel, have more than one decade worth of kid photos, and enjoy more in life than Christmas dinners and watching the grandchildren? I really want to put all my travel photos in albums but I think from now on, I'm on my own. The people I interacted with were nice (well, the young ones were) but I can't get into it as I'd hoped I would.

Maybe I will try again before I totally write this off. I did learn some cool things.
Thursday, October 5 0 comments

Stupid People

As Election Day gets closer I started to review my voting choices. I needed to understand how to interpret the marriage amendment. After reading posts at the site from really stupid people who thought yes meant no and no meant yes I had to make sure the verbiage was clear to me. In my pursuit of local political data, knowing very well that most information on the Internet is total crap (either worthless opinions or non-scholarly half truths) I came across this blog that had Dimity on it. After perusing this guy’s site, I realized that this was no average redneck half witted Republican, this was an all out full fledged alien believing God fearing moron who goes by the name Milwaukee idiot (how fitting). I bet he is fat too. Nothing like a little gluttony, since there’s no such thing as global warming, maybe there’s no such thing as bad cholesterol either. Actually I bet he lives on high fructose corn syrup, a product of our government that I'm sure this guy agrees with, as long as you don't make fuel for our cars out of it. After I stopped gagging over the Dimwitty comments (I thought I would spell something wrong so I wouldn’t look too much smarter than this guy with his horrible spelling, grammar, and stupid remarks), I found this joke he posted:

Paris Hilton and Welfare Rats
Q: What do Paris and Welfare Rats have in common??
A: Neither one has any clue what the worth of a dollar is since they have never had to earn that dollar.

He forgot the other thing they have in common…they are all Republicans! Funny thing is the joke is on him. Apparently he doesn’t know that Dimity wouldn’t know what the dollar is worth either since she didn’t earn her lottery winnings. People are so stupid. That’s one blog I will never read again.
Monday, October 2 2 comments

Great America

We spent yesterday at Great America which is why I didn't go to work today. I knew I would be exhausted so I scheduled the extra day off. Going to Great America after a 5-year hiatus felt a little off. I really love the thrill rides. Spending every moment either in line for the ride or actually on the ride is all I want to do. No shows, no food, no stopping for games or souvenirs. Nothing but rides. And the weather was perfect. Sunny, in the 70's, not a cloud in the sky.

We started with the familiar Batman. I insisted we go to the first row. Being at the lead with nothing to block your view of everything coming at you is a pretty incredible feeling. It did lengthen the amount of time spent in line, so this became a one time thing for the day. After the Batman we went our usual route, Iron Wolf, American Eagle, the Viper, and finally the best ride, the Raging Bull. We initially skipped the new Superman ride, mostly because we like the familiarity of our route around the park.

Most rides had a waiting time of 20 minutes. I think the only ride that took longer was the American Eagle. At least that was until we got to the Superman. We waited 50 minutes to get on that one. I had mixed feeling about whether it was worth it. The ride was fantastic, there was no doubt about that, but it was short. And the long wait in line didn't make me like it any better. The thrill was without a doubt amazing, but I didn't like my legs being locked down. The ride tips you into a position where you simuate flying like Superman (obviously) but in the process your legs are buckled in.

Once we finished with that ride we had spent pretty much most of the day. It was after 4 and the park closed at 6. So we decided to head back to the favorite, the Raging Bull. The Viper happened to come between us and the Raging Bull so we got in line there first. I live the Viper for the constant dips. As soon as you get past one, another one comes up. It's pretty cool.

One last ride on the Raging Bull and we were done. We headed out to a sports bar for some food and relaxation before the ride home. We took the motorcycle and it was getting dark, so the ride home was a little chilly.

For some reason the whole experience wasn't as exciting as it used to be. I do love the rides but it just didn't seem as big of a deal as it used to be. Maybe I've outgrown the amusement park thing. Maybe it was that I'm just getting older and just don't need this kind of thing anymore, nah-that can't be it. Maybe I will just have to try again. After all, I did have a great time.