Friday, May 26 0 comments

Lance Sijan Plane Dedication

Jeff's Legion Rider group participated in the Sijan Plane dedication today. Lance Sijan was a great American hero to was killed in captivity in Vietnam.  He was honored today with the dedication of an F-14 fighter plane that was placed near the airport in his honor.

The family was escorted from Humboldt Park to the airport by a group of 103 riders.

There were dignitaries who spoke at the event and we took the opportunity to take photos of them and thank them for all they do for us.

It was a wonderful event and I am glad I had the opportunity to attend.
Wednesday, May 24 0 comments

My Friend Rose

This is a photo I've loved for a very long time. It was taken at a holiday gathering at my friend Carol's house. The photo includes Carol's mother, Rose. Over the past few years I have come to call Rose not just my friend's mom, but my friend. We played Words with Friends pretty much daily. Sometimes I had a lapse where I didn't log on to my iPad and sometimes Rose wasn't there either. But for the most part, Rose and I played that game with vigor. We chatted on the app's chat log and had 2 and sometimes 3 games going at once. We both agreed that we were each other's best competition. When I had my very painful spine surgeries, I spent most of my days alone recovering while my husband was away during the day at work. No matter how miserable I was during those days I always had Rose. I could count on her being there. I know Rose had some health issues too. But neither of us ever mentioned what we were going through when we chatted. We stayed positive no matter what. She was always there. I hope she thought that of me as well.

This week Rose passed away. I don't know what I will do without her.