As people started to arrive, family grouped together at two tables, our friends grouped together at another, and BJ's friends took up pretty much the whole back yard. The half barrel of Heinekin was flowing, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. We cooked up 15 pounds of tenderloin steaks and 15 pounds of chicken breasts. I made different side dishes; potato salad, seafood salad, pasta salad, calico beans, plus all the fixings for chicken and steak sandwiches. We had bowls of fruit, chips and dips, salsa, and a veggie platter. But the best part was the wonderful graduation cake from Rich's House of Cakes.
It's hard to gauge a party when hosting it. I barely had 5 minutes with any one group but I think it all turned out well. I drank tequila with the boys and Pat, one of my co-workers joined in. All the laughing, conversation, food, and drinks were flowing well. As everyone departed, I had wished I could have spent more time with everyone. Luckily for me, Jeff is a wonderful host. He kept everything going as did BJ.
As it got later, BJ's core group of friends were still in the back yard. We hung out in the hot tub with the neighbors and had a nice fire going. As it got later it was time for us to retire. Jeff and I headed up to bed but one of BJ's friends, Eric followed. So we all had a drink in bed together - as crazy as that sounds. We kicked Eric out so we could get to sleep.
When we got up in the morning, we found Josh and Mark sleeping in the living room. It was way early for them so I went outside and started cleaning up so there was less noise in the house. I finally finished cleaning up the back yard - and the fire was still smoldering so it was good that I went out there early - then I went inside and scrubbed the floor. Jeff and I put all the garbage in the truck and hauled it directly to the dump, there was too much to wait till garbage day.
BJ got up and made his friends breakfast. It was a wonderful bonding time for all of us. It's very difficult to think about BJ leaving for a new job in a new state soon. But for this day, the party was a great time and I am glad we could make it happen for him.